Wednesday, August 31, 2011


WHAT IS A PRE-POO? Pre-Pooing is simply a pre-shampoo treatment, which is applied to the hair and/or scalp. It’s left on for a period of time and then shampooed out.

BENEFITS OF A PRE-POO: Pre-poo treatments help prepare hair for the harsh detergents in the shampoo process by coating the hair shaft.  Performing regular pre-poo treatments will also help to remove heavy product build-up on the scalp. In addition, pre-poos help condition the hair. It seems to be a bit crazy to do all of this. You’re probably thinking…Why would we put a product on our hair that we were eventually just going to wash out? Actually, conditioners and oil often work better when applied to dry hair. Think of a sponge. If you place a dry sponge on a spill, it will absorb more than if you place a wet sponge on that same spill. Our hair reacts the same way, absorbing conditioner a lot more effectively when the hair shaft is not swollen with water molecules.

WAYS TO PRE-POO: There are a many ways to pre-poo. All pre-poo methods involve applying hot oil to scalp and/or hair. Once the hot oils are applied (to either dry or moistened hair) there are different processing methods.
1.  Applying pre-poo treatment to the ends and dry sections and allowing to soak into the hair for up to 30 minutes before cleansing.  You can wrap hair into a bun, pin it up or wrap it in plastic.
2.  Covering with some type of wrap – sleep cap, plastic cap, silk scarf – and allow pre-poo treatment to soak into hair overnight while sleeping.
3.  Wrapping oiled hair in a warm moistened towel topped with a plastic shower style cap and allow it to remain on hair for 2-4 hours.
4.  Applying plastic cap and/or wrap to pre-pooed hair and sitting under a hood style dryer set on a hot heat for 30-45 minutes.


2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons of Honey
2 Tablespoons of Shea Butter
1 Tablespoon of Mango Butter
2 Small pans (one a little bigger than the other for a makeshift double boiler).

Step 1: Add water to one of the pan (the bigger one) and heat until boiling (do not add too much water because the other pan is going on top and you do not want a huge boiling mess)
Step 2: Add olive oil, shea butter and mango butter into small pan. Place small pan on top of bigger pan with the water boiling (be careful that water is hot!!)
Step 3: Add honey and stir until completely melted and combined
Step 4: Take mixture off of heat and let cool completely. (no one wants hot oil on their scalp…ouch!)
Step 5: Once completely cool to the touch, distribute through hair, and cover with a plastic cap or bag for 30-45 minutes.
Step 6: Wash out mixture using shampoo and condition and style as usual.

Homemade Light Protein Pre Poo
Heaping scoop of Mayo
Good squeeze of honey
1 egg
& whatever else your heart desires... beer, your favorite conditioner, coconut oil, or nothing!

Overnight Pre-Poo
coconut oil
small amount of EVOO
apply from the ends up, cover with a plastic cap, followed by a scarf - leave on overnight
Fruity Mix (stronger protein)
some plain yogurt
1 mashed banana
1 really ripe mashed avocado
good squeeze of honey

Have fun with the recipes. You can make-up your own to benefit your hair based on your hair type and situation. Try different oils and/or fruits. I hope this information helps you. Leave a comment to let me know what you think about this info and how it goes for you.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Learn the Benefits of Coconut

Coconut Water

This article is so interesting. Coconut Water sounds like it's amazing. I'll be trying the product soon and doing a review. Read the article for more info about this product.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've been working on getting a solid weekly hair regimen. I'm still experimenting with the products that I use, to find what my hair likes best. But I try to stick to the basic regimen. My regimen is based on a 4 week system. Weeks 1 & 3 are the same. However, Weeks 2 & 4 have their own special treatment for my hair. I deal with excessive dryness. So, I've tailored my regimen to deal with the problem. The days of the week that I do my hair care are based around my schedule. So, if you're thinking of following this regimen, make it work for you on the days that you're able to take the necessary time that is needed. If you are not familiar with some of the terms take a look at my notes titled "Natural Hair Dictionary”!/note.php?note_id=266529156693797  AND  Glossary of Hair Products"!/note.php?note_id=266573660022680


Mondays: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/sulfate free shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

WEEK TWO: {This week is different from Weeks 1 & 3}

Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/  Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/clarifying shampoo to remove product build up)/ Deep Conditioning Mask & Detangle/ Hot Oil Treatment/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal


Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/sulfate free shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

WEEK FOUR: {This is different from Week 1,2 & 3}

Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/Humectants Shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

I hope this helps those that are looking for an effective hair regimen that will promote growth. Again, this is tailored to my hair type. You may need to tweak this to suit your hair needs, but the basic routine is easy to follow. Let me know how it goes for you and what you think of it.

Friday, August 5, 2011




Avocados contain vitamin B6 & vitamin E 
The Ingredients
  • 1 small jar of real mayonnaise
  • 1/2 of an avocado
The Instructions
Put together in a medium bowl and squish together with your hands until it's a minty green color. Smooth into hair all the way to the tips. Put on a shower cap or wrap your head in a towel.
Leave on for 20 minutes. For deeper conditioning put a hot, damp towel around your head. And if you have really long hair and only need deep conditioning at the ends, cut the ingredients in half and apply only to the ends and just wrap them.


  • 1/2 cup of real mayonnaise
Comb the mayonaisse through your damp hair, then wrap your head in a towel, let it penetrate for 20 minutes. Shampoo.
Special Note: Make sure to use mayonaisse and NOT salad dressing. Salad Dressing will dry your hair out.


  • 1/2 cup of real mayonnaise
Comb the mayonaisse through your damp hair, then wrap your head in a towel, let it penetrate for 20 minutes. Shampoo.
Special Note: Make sure to use mayonaisse and NOT salad dressing. Salad Dressing will dry your hair out.
Use fresh.

krissiikisses(youtube)  BANANA DEEP CONDITIONER RECIPE 
Measurements :
  • 1 Banana
  • 4 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 4 tsp Moisturizing conditioner of choice
  • 1 tbsp Mayonnaise

Hair Loss Tonic
Ingredients :
  • 10 drops of Rosemary
  • 10 drops of lavender
  • 5 drops of basil
  • 4 ounce of jojoba oils.


To prevent hair loss or baldness mix:
  •  1 tsp. of honey with
  •  1 tsp. of olive oil and 
  • 2 tsp. of water to make a paste.

 Massage this mixture onto the areas needing it the most (for baldness it would go on those thinned or hairless spots). This is best done before bedtime and the mixture will be left on for the night. Wash your hair as usual in the morning and continue to treat your hair with this mixture regularly.


  •  olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. of honey
  • 1 tsp. of cinnamon

Apply this to your scalp and leave it on for 5 to 15 minutes before washing your hair.

  • 4 tbls 
  • Coconut oil 
  • 2 tbls Natural honey 

Place coconut oil and honey in a small plastic bag and place the bag in a hot cup of water for 1 minute to warm. Apply to hair, wrap hair in a towel for 20 minutes. Wash then dry hair. 

  • 1 tablespoon  Coconut oil 
  • 1 tablespoon  Almond oil 
  • 1 teaspoon Evening primrose oil 
  • 1 tablespoon Jojoba oil 
  • 5 drops Rosemary Essential oil 
  • 5 drops Chamomile Roman Essential oil

Melt coconut oil in a double broiler on low. Add other carrier oils, allow to cool then add EOs. Apply to hair, wrap hair in a towel for 30-45 minutes. Wash then dry hair. Courtesy of 

Silky, Shiny Hot Oil Hair Recipe

DIY Detangler moisture mix

  • Aloe Vera Juice–1/2 cup
  • Distilled Water–1/2 cup
  • Silk Amino Acids–1/2-1 teaspoon
  • Panthenol (Vit B5)–1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable Glycerin–1 teaspoon
  • Guar Gum–1 teaspoon
  • Rosemary Essential Oil–7 drops
  • Lemongrass Essential Oil–7 drops
  • Blender/Small Food Processor

Add all of the ingredients in a blender or small food processor and mix on high for about 3-5 minutes.  Guar gum gives a lot of slip to this product yet also makes it feel more like a moisturizing hair jelly as it is also an emulsifier.  Use only 1/2 teaspoon of guar gum or add a bit more water/aloe vera juice if you like it to be less jelly-like and more of a liquid.  Store in a clean jar or wide mouth bottle.

Cinnamon and Honey Tip...To Help Thicken Hair
Take one tsp. Cinnamon powder
One tbsp. Real Raw Honey
Hot olive oil (you will add this until it turns into a paste.)
Apply to your hair before your shower, and leave on for 15 minutes, then wash out. Even leaving it on for 10 minutes will help.

Dry Scalp treatment


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • Large cube of eggplant 
Blend the cucumber, avocado and sour cream together in a blender and scoop onto scalp. Massage the mask into your hair and scalp with the eggplant cube. Then cover your hair with a shower cap or seran wrap for a half an hour, finishing with a rinse that will leave your hair follicles moisturized and scalp soothed. If you can make it a cool rinse, all the better for a shiny result.


  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1/4 cantaloupe
  • 1 tablespoon
  •  wheat germ oil
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt

Blend all ingredients. Apply to hair. For extra conditioning, squeeze in the contents of a vitamin E capsule. Leave in hair for 15 minutes. Then rinse.


  • 1 tablespoon virgin olive oil 
  • 2 tablespoons honey 
  • 1 tablespoon buttermilk 
  • 1 tablespoon natural unbleached flour 

Blend all ingredients. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds until hot. Stir in one tablespoon of natural unbleached flour to make a paste. Apply the warm paste to wet hair and allow the conditioner to set for 20 minutes Wash as normal.


  • 1 tablespoons Avocado Oil
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 8 drops Chamomile Roman Essential oil
  • 8 drops Myrrh Essential oil
Place oils  in a small plastic bag and place the bag in a hot cup of water for 1 minute to warm. Apply to hair, wrap hair in a towel for 20 minutes. Wash then dry hair. Courtesy of

  • 2 tbsp Shea Butter
  • 1tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp EVOO
  • 2 tsp Honey
adjust how much you use depending on the length of your hair
Apply to damp hair. Sit under a hooded dryer for 30-45 min or under a plastic cap if you prefer. Shampoo.(

H A I R- R I N S E S 

For Dandruff

  • Baking soda

Massage handfuls of baking soda into the hair and scalp to absorb oil and to loosen dead skin on scalp. Rinse thoroughly, use no other shampoos. While initially the hair may seem dry, after several weeks, dandruff will be gone and hair will be smooth and shiny.

Dandruff Mint Rinse 


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 handful of fresh mint leaves


Boil ingredients. Strain and pour into a container. Massage solution into the scalp, let dry without rinsing out



  • 1 ounce apple cider vinegar 
  • 1 quart of distilled water.


Combine the apple cider with the water, stir. Pour through hair to get rid of buildup and soften hair at the same time. Rinse with tap water.



  • 4 tbls of Brown Sugar
  • 2 tbls of your favorite conditioner


Combine brown sugar and conditioner in a bowl and mix well. Apply to scalp only with fingers! Scrub scalp in a circular motion for a few minutes. Rinse, then shampoo and condition as normal.

Herbal Tea Spritz –  use green, chamomile, peppermint, or lavender teas for this summertime favorite. Boil 1 herbal teabag of your choice in 1/2 cup of water. Add 1/2 cup of conditioner, stir to blend. Once cool, add to spray bottle and refrigerate. Add more water or aloe vera gel if you prefer a thinner spritz


Super Moisturizing Shampoo Recipe


1/2 cup of spring water

1/2 cup of Castile liquid soap

1 tbs coconut Oil

1 tbs hempseed Oil

2 teaspoon avocado Oil

8 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

8 drops Clary sage essential oil

Mix together all the ingredients. Store in a bottle. Use as you would any shampoo, rinse well

PH Balancing Shampoo Recipe


  • 5 drops Lemongrass Essential oils 
  • 5 drops Cedarwood Essential oils
  • 2 drops Rosemary Essential oils
  • 4 drops Sage Essential oils
  • 3 ounces liquid Castile soap

Mix together all the ingredients. Store in a bottle. Use as you would any shampoo, rinse well

Natural Chemical Free Shampoo
  • ¼ cup distilled water  ( deionized water is ok )
  • ¼ cup liquid castile soap (  unscented )
  • ½ teaspoon jojoba, grapeseed or other light vegetable oil.

Traci Glover Walker (adds)
Blend rosemary oil with grapeseed and olive oils to make a nourishing scalp massage. 
Nurturing hair oil:
5 drops rosemary
2 drops lavender
1 tbsp. jojoba oil

find MORE recipes here:


Hair mask of olive oil for dry hair
The olive oil is the best remedy for dry hair. Warm up 20ml. olive oil and apply the oil with a brush, concentrating on the roots and on the ends. Comb your hair to distribute the olive oil to the entire hair. Leave on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair with a gentle shampoo. If your hair is damaged you can leave it during the whole night and then wash your hair in the morning, to restructure the hair keratin and restore the strength and shine.

Moisturizing and nourishing hair mask for dry hair 
The ingredients you’ll need: 1 egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply to the entire hair, concentrating on the ends and on the roots. Use a comb to distribute the mixture along the length. Massage into the scalp. Leave it on for approximately 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Moisturizing hair mask for dry hair
You’ll need: 4 tbsp. mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. acacia honey. Mix the honey and the mayonnaise well and apply it to the entire hair starting at the roots. Comb your hair to distribute the mask and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Glossary of Hair Products

via by Michelle Breyer;

With so many different bottles, tubes and cans of hair products from which to choose, it can be difficult to figure out what they all do. Here is some help.

Anti-frizz gel or serum
See Straightening gel.


Any substance that repels moisture. They are used to prevent frizz.
Another name for either a sculpturing lotion or a styling creme. Tends to add a lot of shine.

Hair Wax

Much like a styling pomade, with a firmer viscosity. These products tend to come in either pots or stick delivery systems. Use these products for defining only. Piece out individual curls or wisps of hair. Less is definitely more with wax, which tends to work better on shorter hair.


Any substance that promotes the retention of water. Products that have humectant properties are a must for curly hair.


Mousse products are a legacy form the 1980s, the era of big hair. They were developed to create weightless volume. These are products that are liquid in their packaged state and when dispensed, they become a foam. They give light to firm style support without weighing the hair down.

Molding Creme

They are great for adding volume at the root or to define curls. They tend to have a very thick viscosity and offer firm, flexible styling support. The tradeoff for this type of product is you do not get a great deal of shine. A molding creme, if properly applied, can be one of the most versatile products. But use a small amount. You can always add more as needed. They may be too thick for longer hair.


These are styling gels with either a water-soluable or non-soluable wax base. These products are very thick in viscosity and tend to have the consistency of cold margarine or butter. They can be used for all styles seeking high definition, control and shine. remember that less is more with pomades, and make sure to emulsify the product in the hands before using. Pomades are especially good for African-American hair because they add moisture, control and shine.

Sculpturing lotions

A liquid based styling product that is great for taming curly hair. The liquid consistency allows the product to penetrate into the hair. They tend to have light to medium hold and can be used for setting hair, finger waving, braiding, scrunching and plaiting. Many African-American consumers find these products to be a lifesaver for taming flyaways and detangling.
Shine Spray
A mica-or silicone-based spray product that adds shine. They tend to have no holding properties. They are best used as the last step. Apply hair spray, all it to dry, then mist on the shine spray. Don’t touch your hair for the rest of the day. For curlyheads, look for a silicone-based spray because these aid in frizz control.

Smoothing gels or balms

Clear to translucent gels that come in a variety of viscosities. They tend to have little to no hold, but soften curl, balance moisture level and fight frizz. They can be added while styling to control flyaway and frizz or apply and use with a blow dryer and tension to smooth and straighten the hair. After you wash your hair, the curl will return. Always apply a smoothing balm first to the ends of the hair and work it up the hair shaft to the root. Silicone-based products will straighten hair, add shine and help to block outside humidity.
Spray gel
These products are like a styling gel, but in a different delivery system. They come in a variety of holds and were designed for people who do not want to get product on their hands. People with curly hair will find a spray gel very beneficial. the spray application helps to ensure a more even application without adding weight. these products are fantastic for adding before and during the drying process when people scrunch their hair. Spray, scrunch and let air dry or use a blow-dryer with a diffuser attachment.
Straightening cremes
Generally a lighter version of a straightening gel or balm. They are best for straightening fine hair or for providing light frizz control to medium and coarse hair.

Styling creme

A styling creme tends to offer pliable style support. They are opaque to translucent and come in a variety of holds and shine factors. These cremes tend to be best for adding definition to curls and texture for shorter styles. Just add a little bit at the fingertips and piece out individual curls. A medium to light hold creme is best for curly hair. these products also are a must for up-do work. Many times, these are two-in-one proudcts that condition as well as style.



I've respectfully borrowed some of terms from the "Natural Nerd Dictionary" over at and the Natural Hair Dictionary at I hope this helps everyone with understanding Natural Hair Terms.

2nd day hair- Hair that looks good (at least decent) when you wake up the next don't have to do much before walking out of the house. Some are lucky enough to get 3rd and 4th day hair!

3abc/4a/4b/4c- A hair type classification system, for further clarification, see
this link.

ACV- Apple Cider Vinegar (used to seal rinse) A hair type classification system.

APL- Refers to length-- arm pit length.

BAA-Big ass afro

Baggy - After you moisturize your hair at night, you put a shopping bag, plastic cap, shower cap on overnight.

BC, also known as the big chop, refers to a method many naturals use when going from relaxed hair to Natural. The person will merely cut their off into a short style, often times a fade.
BNC- Braid-n-Curl, simply plait or braid the hair and roll the ends on rods or flexis.

BSL- Refers to length-- bra strap length.

BSS- Beauty Supply Store

CBL- Refers to length-- collar bone length.
CG- Refers to the "Curly Girl" method explained in the book by Lorraine Massey. It is a philosophy for curls that involves, no or low shampoo, cone avoidance, and conditioner washing...among other things. These are just a few of the basic tenants.

Cones- Are 'silicones', or ingredients found in hair care products that are not water soluble (i.e. you need shampoo to remove). Failure to wash out cones may lead to build-up, which may result in dry hair and breakage (due to suffocation of the strands).
Co- Wash, also known as conditioner wash, refers to a method used by many Naturals, where shampoo is replaced with conditioner for washing. This method is known for giving more curl defintion and replenishing moisture into the hair, whereas continuous washing with shampoos may dry out hair.

DT or DC- Is a deep treatment or conditioner. A DT is when you leave a moisturizing (or protein based, depending on your needs) conditioner on your hair for an extended period of time, along with a heat source to aid in penetration.

Dusting- Dusting your hair is a trim of 1/4 an inch or less. This method is also referred to as dusting because even though your hair is being trimmed evenly, it is so little hair, that it just looks like dust on the floor.

EO- Essential Oil
EVOO- Extra Virgin Olive Oil

EVCO- Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (used in conditioning treatments)

Hairspiration- refers to a person or a hairstyle that inspires you, commonly inspiring changes in your appearance and hair, in particular.

HEHH- Herbal Essences Hello Hydration.

HG- Holy Grail (Products that are tried and true)

HIH- Hand in Hair. Its a disease that causes you to always be manipulating your tresses.

MBL- Refers to length-- mid back length.

Nappyversary - The anniversary of the day you became a natural

No-poo- It's just that- no shampoo. Ladies who follow this routine are CG'ers and don't use cones or other heavy/oily products that may need shampoo to remove. Instead of pooing, many ladies conditioner wash, or use conditioner in place of shampoo to cleanse the scalp.

Pineappleing- a type of sleeping technique that curlies with long hair use to
preserve/protect curls overnight so that they have great 2nd day hair. You gather all of your hair in a high, but loose
pony tail at the top of your head and go to sleep on a satin
pillowcase. In the morning you take it down and shake it out gently and
all of your curls will have been preserved.

PJ- Product Junky or someone that buys any all hair care products in sight...forever on a mission to find the next best thing.

Plopping- A quick dry method. You use a t-shirt or a curl friendly material (terry cloth towel, paper towel) to dry your hair instead
of rubbing a towel on your hair to dry it. It drastically decreases drying times.

Pre-pooing- A treatment applied prior to shampooing. It usually consists of oils and/or conditioners applied the night before the shampoo or immediately prior, with a heat source to help penetrate. This is usually performed to help the hair maintain necessary moisture during the drying shampoo process.

Product Junkie- refers to a person who continously is trying different products and is constantly changing their [hair]regimen because of it.

Sealing- Is essentially sealing moisture in the hair, specifically the ends. For sealing to be effective, you must first use a water-based moisturizer (a conditioner or cream that has water as its first ingredient), and then seal with a butter or oil. The molecules in most butters/oils are too large to pass into the hair, so they stick to the outside of the shaft, trapping in the rich goodness of the moisturizer. Reversing those 2 steps will lead to dry hair.

Search and Destroy (S&Ds)- Find good lighting, usually in the bathroom, and examine your ends...whenever you see a split, a crooked end or a single strand knot, snip it out. Only use hair scissors for this task (purchase from Sally's or Walmart). This is key. Buy a decent pair of hair scissors and ONLY USE THEM FOR HAIR TRIMS. Dull scissors will do more damage.

Slip- Used to describe how slippery a product is (usually a conditioner or detangler)... the more slip it has, the more effectively it will coat the hair to aid in detangling.

SLS- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (found in the harsher shampoos- the main reason that CG'ers avoid poo).

TNC- Twist-n-Curl. Two strand twist your hair and curl the ends with rollers.

Transitioning - This is the period of time since one's last relaxer.

TWA, also known as teeny weeny afro, refers to what is left after a big chop. Many Naturals will continue to wear their hair in this style until it grows long enough to put in other styles.

Twist Out- refers to a hairstyle in which the hair is two strand twisted, often overnight or for several days, and then untwisted and worn curly. The same can be said for braid-outs except that hair is braided first.

Wash and Go- Simply co-wash your hair, add a styler (gel, cream) and GO [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] You leave the hair to air dry or dry with a diffuser. Although this style is cute and easy, my ends couldn't handle it. This is also seen as WnG, and W&G.