Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've been working on getting a solid weekly hair regimen. I'm still experimenting with the products that I use, to find what my hair likes best. But I try to stick to the basic regimen. My regimen is based on a 4 week system. Weeks 1 & 3 are the same. However, Weeks 2 & 4 have their own special treatment for my hair. I deal with excessive dryness. So, I've tailored my regimen to deal with the problem. The days of the week that I do my hair care are based around my schedule. So, if you're thinking of following this regimen, make it work for you on the days that you're able to take the necessary time that is needed. If you are not familiar with some of the terms take a look at my notes titled "Natural Hair Dictionary”!/note.php?note_id=266529156693797  AND  Glossary of Hair Products"!/note.php?note_id=266573660022680


Mondays: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/sulfate free shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

WEEK TWO: {This week is different from Weeks 1 & 3}

Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/  Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/clarifying shampoo to remove product build up)/ Deep Conditioning Mask & Detangle/ Hot Oil Treatment/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal


Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/sulfate free shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-in/ Moisturize/ Seal

WEEK FOUR: {This is different from Week 1,2 & 3}

Monday: Co-Wash/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

Thursday: Wash (w/Humectants Shampoo)/ Deep Condition & Detangle/ Leave-In/ Moisturize/ Seal

I hope this helps those that are looking for an effective hair regimen that will promote growth. Again, this is tailored to my hair type. You may need to tweak this to suit your hair needs, but the basic routine is easy to follow. Let me know how it goes for you and what you think of it.

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